Before your Skin check
Please shower before your appointment and wear comfortable, easily removed clothing and footwear.
Please remove nail polish from fingers and toes.
Do not wear any make up or foundation, ideally not within 4 weeks of a spray tan.
Plain moisturiser or sunscreen is fine (not tinted or BB creams)
The doctor will ask you to undress to your underwear and examine the whole skin. Modesty gowns/drapes are available.
Please have a list of your medications and any previous photos / mole map pictures with you.

Before your procedure
Please shower before your appointment and wear comfortable, dark coloured and easily removed clothing and footwear.
Light clothing may be stained by our cleaning fluids.
Do not shave the area unless your doctor has asked you to (and preferably 2 days before your procedure).
Take any of your usual medications as normal (including blood thinners) unless instructed to stop by your Doctor. Please advise of any allergies especially to latex / dressings.
Its OK to eat and drink right up until your procedure, no need to fast. All our procedures are done under local anaesthetic only.
Please use the toilet before your procedure.
Please consider the need for time off work, limiting physical activities (such as sport, chopping wood, gym etc) depending on the site of your surgery.
Most skin procedures only require panadol and icepacks / rest after. Most procedures you are ok to drive yourself home, however you are welcome to bring a carer and discuss with your doctor who will advise.
We always encourage smoking cessation and this will aid your wound recovery and healing.
Please call and chat with our friendly staff if you have any concerns.